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A Place to Call Home
Latest Sermon Series
The Apostle Paul was the most influential person in the world, ever, in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. His impact upon the Christian movement was paramount in spreading the message of Jesus’s life, teachings, and resurrection. Paul has been attributed as writer of 13 letters that the world has cherished and criticized—and that have sometimes left people confused.
During Lent, we are going to take a journey together as we see the story of Jesus unfold through Paul’s eyes. Each week, we will seek a new truth that we hope will draw us all closer to Jesus and reveal a clearer understanding of the life-changing message of Jesus: the message of hope and salvation found in the resurrection. Jesus transformed Paul’s life and message. Our hope this Lent is that the message of Jesus will transform your life, too.
We invite you to join us for worship during this Lenten sermon series titled, “Seeing Jesus Through Paul’s Eyes.”

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