About Us
Get to know the mission, vision, and values of New Covenant.
Mission Statement
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Vision Statement
To be a thriving body of Christ by being His hands, feet, and voice in the world.
Spiritual Growth
We believe that the ongoing pursuit of full devotion to Christ and His cause is expected of every believer. Thus, we encourage every disciple to pursue an ever-deepening journey of faith, striving to fully reflect Christ in our lives and actions, based on Scriptural truth and prayer.
Believing life changes happen best in a small-group community, we are intentional about creating opportunities for people to connect with each other in ways that encourage discipleship, vulnerability, learning, and accountability.
At the heart of our Christian experience is the call to care for each other. As such, we strive to place a high call on the care of our sisters and brothers in times of need in a way that creates a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-inspired, heartfelt experience of the presence of God.
Believing all people are worthy of dignity and respect, we strive to radically welcome and integrate everyone who enters into our community. We affirm our commitment to being a multicultural and multigenerational church.
Understanding our community as a place that is still open to the Christian message, we will actively encourage each other to practice invitational evangelism.
We firmly believe that God desires us to be generous with our money and with our time, through our talents and abilities, and in our encouragement and praise. With this belief, we unabashedly encourage each other to continually grow in our generosity.
At the heart of living a growing relationship with Christ is the call to serving to the needs of each other and our community in the name of Christ. As such, we will always work towards pursuit of radical service to our community and the world in the name of Jesus.