Recreation Ministries
Explore opportunities to experience fellowship during an enjoyable activity!
Men’s Golf
Contact the person below for the outing you would like to participate in.
Tuesdays, 9 Holes (South of 466): Don Buckey
Mondays and Tuesdays, 9 Holes (North of 466): Bob Bruce
Women’s Golf
Contact the person below for the outing you would like to participate in.
Tuesday, 9 Holes (North of 466): Carol Carpenter
Thursday, 9 Holes: Elaine Gurka
Contact the person below for the outing you would like to participate in.
Ladies, Thursdays (North of 466): Pat Gable
Ladies, Mondays: Ann Heilbron
Recreational Pickleball takes place at Pimlico Rec Center. Beginners are welcome! (We do not play if the temperature is over 90 degrees.) Contact the person below for the outing you would like to participate.
Sundays from 4 PM - 6 PM: Roger Kassing