Welcome to New Covenant

A Place to Call Home

Latest Sermon Series

The vision of New Covenant is “to be a thriving body of Christ by being His hands, feet, and voice in the world.” These words are part of our DNA. How do we go about living out these words?

Three fundamental questions help us embrace our direction and shape our identity: Why do people need Jesus? Why do people need church? And why do people need New Covenant United Methodist Church?

Join us for worship as we reflect upon these important questions that shape our church community and our future. This journey promises to help remind us of where we have come and where Christ wants to lead. “Jesus, The Church, and You” is the perfect combination that can transform individual lives, the community, and the world!

Get to Know Us

Finding a church home can be challenging. Over the past decade, we’ve had the opportunity to welcome over 1,000 new members into our church family. Here are a few ways to see if New Covenant might be a good fit for you!

Worship Services

We invite you to attend worship, online or in person! Services are on Saturdays at 5 PM and on Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM.

New Member Classes

The New Member Class is a great way to find out about the United Methodist Church, Wesleyan theology, and New Covenant’s mission and vision. Online and in-person options are available!


There are a variety of ways to get involved in the life of the church, from discipleship experiences to missions opportunities and more.

Worship Online


  • Saturdays 5 PM

  • Sundays 9 AM & 11 AM

On Demand

  • Anytime, Anywhere

Stay Connected

Get a weekly devotional message from Rev. Harold Hendren as well as updates about the life of the church.

Upcoming Events


Get details and sign up for upcoming events!


Get details and purchase tickets for upcoming concerts!

How Can We Help?

Questions? Let us know!

For any questions, please use the button below to contact us.