Small Groups
What types of Small Groups are there?
We currently have groups for Men, Women, Singles, and Couples. Some meet in the daytime and some in the evening. Other types of groups may be formed if there is an interest.
Connect Small Groups offer an opportunity to fulfill New Covenant’s Vision 2030 to: “grow in our relationship with one another and with Jesus Christ to be His hands, feet, and voice of Jesus Christ.”
When and where do Small Groups meet?
Each small group decides together how often (weekly, biweekly, monthly) and the time of their gathering. They also determine where they will meet — one home regularly or rotating throughout the group.
Connect Small Groups offer a safe space to explore, ask questions and grow in your spiritual journey.
Connection · Community · Caring · Christ-Centered
By journeying in your faith with a small group, you are able to connect in meaningful relationships, become part of a small community who encourage each another and live out their faith in service, care for each other in tangible ways, pray for one another, become more Christ-centered by growing spiritually through learning God’s Word together, and practicing those discoveries in your life.
If you would like more information on getting connected in one of our small groups, please use the button below to contact Pat Hill, Small Groups Coordinator.