Study Questions

John 3:16

Check out the following study questions related to our current worship series, John 3:16.

“You must be born again.”

John Chapter 3 begins with Jesus’s proclamation to Nicodemus: “You must be born again.” Nicodemus doesnn’t understand this at first…what does this mean? More importantly, as it is meant to be personal: what does it mean to you that you must be born again? How do we share this truth?

“God so loved the world...”

John 3:16, this most quoted of all verses in the Bible, brings the good news that, “God so loved the world.” Focus on the word “so.” God loves us so very much, so completely and thoroughly…What is your response that you are loved so very much by God? How is it significant that this powerful verse begins with the emphasis on the love that God has for us? What is the connection between this verse and the call to be born again?

“God so loved the world that he gave…”

“God so loved that world so that He gave” Focus on the word “that.” The evidence of the love is “that”…because of the love of God, God gave. Consider what it means that God gave, a free gift, and that it was God’s choice to give.

What did God give? God didn’t give a get-out-of-sin-free card. God didn’t give a way to purchase salvation. No, God gave God’s one and only, begotten son.

Read Romans 5:12-17. How was the gift of God’s son the perfect sacrifice?

“…that whosoever believes in Him…”

“…that whosoever believes in Him…” Who are meant to be the recipients of this gift, and why does that matter? What is the goal, the purpose for the gift of God’s only Son? This verse is closely linked to John 3:17. What insight to be receive by including this proclamation?

Past Sermons

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